Body Fat Killer

PINK DRINK, as he says, is a persistent athlete. They attack excess body fat that shortens human life. He uses old proven weapons against bad eating habits. Also, from which you will also get appetite 😉

BODY FAT βG KILLER® is a breakthrough functional drink with a refreshing taste for everyday use. With a blend of natural ingredients to promote fat burning, quench thirst and hydrate the body. BODY FAT KILLER is the work of renowned experts in dietology, biotechnology, pharmaceutical research and traditional medicine. It was designed to regulate weight naturally. It’s a drink that MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER! ™


BODY FAT KILLER contains a unique combination of fruit juices and plant extracts.

  • reduces appetite by balancing blood glucose,
  • accelerates fat burning, helping to regulate weight
  • Promotes more efficient fat processing in metabolism
  • supports intestinal microflora
  • helps to suppress the formation of fats and their deposition in the body.


BODY FAT KILLER has a natural composition. It works harmoniously with body chemistry, not against it. It is suitable for everyday use. It does not contain artificial colors, flavors, stabilizers, caffeine, taurine or high fructose corn syrup.

Natural mineral water

Mineral water from the Austrian Alps contains optimal amounts of calcium and magnesium. It has a very low nitrate, nitrite and sodium content. Due to its high quality and purity it is used in children’s nutrition programs as well as in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and kidney problems in adults.


It is an excellent source of manganese. This mineral is part of the enzymes that are an important component in energy generation and antioxidant processes. Pineapple is rich in fiber. It also contains a small amount of vitamin C, potassium and the unique digestive enzyme bromelain. It is an enzyme that not only helps digestion but also metabolizes fat. It can help with swelling and inflammation.


Grep, like other citruses, is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, carotenoids, fiber, and antioxidants. It is an essential element in a healthy diet. Studies have shown that grapefruit helps reduce LDL cholesterol and glycemic index, helping metabolism burn fat.

Soluble fiber BENEO®

Fiber is important for lowering LDL cholesterol and healthy digestion. Soluble BENEO® fiber is a chicory root material. Probiotic properties stimulate the growth of intestinal microflora, which creates a healthy environment in the intestine and promotes its function. Thanks to the low glycemic index it is also suitable for people who are on strict diets.

Apple vinegar

It contains many minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus), vitamins (C, E), antioxidants and fiber. By supporting the activity of digestive enzymes, it reduces the conversion of sugars to fats. By consuming apple cider vinegar with food, it increases the feeling of satiety and thus reduces the amount of food received. A single use of vinegar already affects the amount of food consumed throughout the day.


It is an important part of the process of converting fat into energy. The diet in which L-carnitine is included leads to a faster weight loss.

Garcinia cambogia

A very effective herbal alternative for controlling obesity and cholesterol. The active ingredient works in 2 ways, reducing the appetite for food and preventing lipid synthesis in the second.

Oyster mushroom

Shiitake-like fungus is rich in polysaccharides. It stimulates the immune system and investigates its effects in preventing viral diseases and cancer. It contains strong antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial for the cardiovascular system.


They have used ginger in Indian, Asian and Arabic medicine for medical purposes. Traditionally, ginger has been particularly associated with its ability to heat and cause sweating. It also supports the production of serotonin, thereby suppressing appetite.


It has great potential as a powerful antioxidant, enhances the protective function of the liver. It has become a popular ingredient in diets for its ability to stimulate bile production and consequently improve fat processing. Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

* These claims are not verified by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease.